It all happened at Dulles' c/o 2000 graduation...I went to the compaq center to see my friend graduate but when I got back to my car my spoiler was gone.  Ever since then that day has been known as Evil Dulles Graduation Day.  To this day I haven't found the punks who stole my spoiler, but when I do find them (and I will find them), they'll wish they never even knew what a spoiler is.



Someone thought they spotted my spoiler in a parking lot somewhere on some thug's Acura and they luckily had a camera handy and took a picture...could it be mine??? Decide for yourself.

Just as I suspected...

My car before the "incident"

..and after the jacking..shoot, man, it still burns me up inside to think about this.

You know what? All of this is getting us nowhere...
Hey thugs? Why don't we just make up and be friends... and to show you I'm serious, I'll throw a party for you and all your friends in the shed behind my house. It's not much, but you can be as loud as you want and no one will ever hear you. I souped it up, too, so you might want to check it out. Don't mind the shovels. Those are for, uh, digging...yeah, that's it--digging...